Thursday, June 5, 2014

International Program in Germany

International Programmes in Germany 2014

the following programs are what I was interested in when I applied for a master program in Germany. But some of them require German Language Certificate, although all of them are taught in English. I was admitted by TUM(Technische Universität München), Heidelberg, and Tübingen, and I will go to Tübingen.

Costs of living
Where to apply

European Master in Materials Science Exploring Large Scale Facilities (MaMaSELF) • Technische Universität München (University) • München

Courses are held in English


A two-year European Master's programme in Materials Science, aiming to build up a European platform at university level and strongly involving "Large Scale Research Facilities", is proposed. The Master's degree is awarded by two out of the five universities: Rennes 1 (F), Montpellier 2 (F), Torino (I), Technische Universität München (DE) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität-München (DE).

EU students: 3,000 EUR per year; non-EU students: 6,000 EUR per year
Munich: 800 EUR per month
Prof. Dr. Philippe Rabiller, Prof. Dr.
Werner Paulus:
- electronically:
- by mail: 
Erasmus Mundus Mamaself Master
Prof. Dr. Philippe Rabiller
Université Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, Bat 11A
35042 Rennes

The scholarship covers your travel and living expenses and tuition in Europe for the full duration of the course
Scholarship for Non-EU students: 22,000€ / year

International Master's Programme Computational Neuroscience Berlin University of Technology
15 March
Models of Neural Systems: 
Models of Higher Brain Functions:
Acquisition and Analysis of Neural Data:
Machine Intelligence: 
Programming Course and Project
Individual Studies
Lab Rotation


The total enrolment fee amounts to approx. 280 EUR per semester including a matriculation fee


uni-assist e.V.
Helmholtzstraße 2-9
10587 Berlin

Master's Programme Physics • Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology) Dresden
German, English

For most modules both English and German choices are offered.
15 January for the following summer semester
Specialisation areas are Applied Solid State Physics and Photonics, Electronic Properties of Solids, Structure of Condensed Matter, Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics, Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Theoretical Physics.

Finally, in the non-Physics minor, selected topics from a neighbouring field are presented, creating a basic understanding of problems in another field of science and the ability to carry out interdisciplinary work. Students can choose between several topics from the fields of Mathematics, Biomathematics, Biology, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Philosophy.
220 EUR per semester
The fee includes a semester ticket covering public transport in the Dresden metropolitan area.
Approx. 800 EUR per month to cover personal expenses
The university has a scholarship programme for excellent
 students within the framework of the German
 "Deutschlandstipendien", awarding 300 EUR per month
. Selection criteria are, amongst others, outstanding academic
performance and commitment, and openness and curiosity
about meeting and exchanging ideas with people from other
 university departments.

Master of Science in Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) • Technische Universität München
Dec 31
Hard Copy: Toefl, cv, letter of motivation, passport, transcript, diploma, Health insurance certificate

Documents stated herein must be includeed in your printed
and signed application form and sent postal (mandatory).
Passport (Copy)

Evidence of student health insurance (issued by a compulsory health insurance company) (Copy)

Degree certificate (Copy - certified)

Diploma (Copy - certified)

Subject and grade transcript of studies to date (Copy - certified)

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language (IBT, CBT or PBT) (Copy - certified)

Documents stated herein may be included in your printed and signed application form (optional).
Final secondary-school examinations (Copy)

Documentary evidence of completed vocational training course

Evidence of non-school activities (Copy)

Thank you for your application! 

Please, print the 
Application for admission or for enrollment and send it
  • signed
  • including all requiered paper documents (see document check list on your application form)
  • in due time (Bachelor courses: no later than July 15th respectively January 15th; Master courses: no later than May 31st respectively December 31st. Deviations are possible here. Please be sure to check deadlines by referring to the website of your future course of study!)
  • by post

 no tuition fees will be charged as of winter semester 2013/14.
52 EUR per semester f
Dr Martin Sass

Technische Universität München
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

Are you covered by a public health insurance plan in your home country? Students from non-EU countries who are insured in their home country and with which a social insurance agreement exists (= successor states include former Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Turkey and Tunisia), must also present a foreign health insurance certification to one of the public health insurance providers (see EU-Foreign) in Germany and request formal proof for submission to a university from the public health insurance provider in Germany.

 limited number of student work positions (earning around 400 EUR per month) 

Scholarships for international students at TUM: the university has a scholarship programme for excellent international students with low incomes. Recipients receive a one-time study aid of 500 to 1,500 EUR per semester. Students may apply starting from the second semester of studies.

GGNB Neurosciences - International Max Planck Research School (MSc/PhD/MD-PhD) • University of Göttingen• Göttingen
15 January
The intensive, research-oriented programme includes the following topics: molecular neurophysiology and cellular neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neurobiophysics, neuroendocrinology, neuropharmacology, developmental neurobiology, behavioural neurobiology, clinical and theoretical neuroscience and bioinformatics.
The tuition fees at the University of Göttingen are currently 500 EUR per semester. 
The enrolment fees are approx. 240 EUR per semester.
. Approx. 700-750 EUR per month are currently required 

 For the MSc part of the programme, fellowships are available at approx. 800 EUR per month

For the doctoral part of the programme, doctoral fellowships are available at approx. 1,100 to 1,500 EUR per month.

Master's Programme in Nanobiophysics • Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology)
31 May 
It relates the concepts of biophysics and soft matter physics to the new field of nanophysics/nanotechnology
220 EUR per semester
Generally, students will need a minimum of 650 EUR per month

Each year, students can apply for a "Deutschlandstipendium" of 300 EUR per month. The application round is usually opened in the summer for the following winter term. Information can be found on the website of the TU Dresden.

ENB Master's Programme in Neuroscience • Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 
1 February
 General education: 
ndividual research training
 Complementary skills:
42 EUR per semester
a budget of 800 to 1,000 EUR per month.
E-mail »
Course website »
Only online applications will be
considered, for further details see:

Master of Science in Physics • Freie Universität Berlin (University) • Berlin
31 May for the following winter semester.
In addition, students must choose one or two of the following modules:

- Advanced Quantum Mechanics 
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics 
- Advanced Statistical Physics
- Quantum Field Theory and Many-Body Physics 
- Advanced Solid State Physics
- Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Advanced Biophysics
 270 EUR per semester 
Approx. 750 EUR per month to cover personal expenses

International Physics Studies Programme • Leipzig University 
German, English
31 May
Possibilities to complete internships at:
- Institute for Surface Modification (
- Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (
- The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ (
- Institute of Interdisciplinary Isotope Research (
- Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (
150 EUR per semester
 800 EUR per month

Typical maximal wages: 840 EUR during the semester and 1,600 EUR in lesson-free periods

International Master's Programme in Organic and Molecular Electronics • Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology) • Dresden
15 April until 31 May.
The aim of the Master's programme Organic and Molecular Electronics is to overcome the limits of the involved disciplines, as well as the education of young professionals for this cutting-edge R&D field. Therefore, a special feature of the programme is the close collaboration with small and medium-sized companies in the area of Dresden
 no tuition
Around 220 EUR per semester
comparatively low costs

Integrative Technologies &
Architectural Design Research
15 February

No tuition

copy of your school-leaving certificate
• copy of your university transcript
• copy of your university degree diploma
copy of your passport
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Letter of motivation
work samples including
a short summary of their bachelor’s thesis.

 Bonn-Cologne Graduate School



Universität München (LMU) 
Internationale Angelegenheiten (Referat III.3)
Geschwister-Scholl Platz 1
80539 München
Email address

Graduate School of Neural Information Processing/IMPRS • University of Tübingen

The Master's course lasts three semesters. The first two semesters are devoted to theoretical and practical training (lectures, seminars, tutorials, journal clubs and laboratory rotations) with an examination period at the end. The third semester is set aside for the six-month Master's thesis.

Ideally, the Master's thesis will lead directly to PhD studies.


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience
Prof Dr Horst Herbert
Österbergstraße 3
72074 Tübingen

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