Sunday, December 25, 2016


2016 揭穿自由市場假面的一年。

2016是充滿失望以及悲傷的一年。今年我們歷經了不斷的恐攻挑戰歐洲對自由人權的底限,也經歷了英國脫離歐盟,以及美國選出川普這樣歷史性的重大政治環境轉折。這樣的轉折將對歷史的進程產生決定性的影響,許多人將這兩個事件看成西方自由價值的失守,或是恐怖主義以及威權主義對抗民主陣營的勝利。2016 年也可以說是充滿意外以及錯愕的一年。主流媒體對英國脫歐公投以及美國總統大選的篤定預測,襯托出依賴主流媒體形成輿論的我們才是脫離現實的非主流。以往看似穩固一致的核心價值觀在英美的兩個投票中現出原形。原來意識形態的分裂已到達可以撕裂社會認同的程度。一群過去沈默的多數在這次選舉中獲得勝利。或許是該我們閉嘴檢討的時候了。自以爲是多數的我們到底做錯了什麼?





Saturday, December 24, 2016



小和尚端湯上了塔,塔上了蠟,蠟滑了襪,湯灑了塔,燙了小和尚,小和尚白跑一趟,還需把地擦。方丈愛吃臘八,吃緊燙了嘴巴,湯裡下了巴豆,疼了八肚,還把肚子拉。 方丈提了袈裟,望了草房,撒腿奔下塔。忘了塔上了蠟很滑。小和尚剛才把地擦,罵湯不該燙他,蠟不該滑襪,方丈不該上塔,廚房不該煮臘八。正端湯上塔,卻撞著方丈忙下塔,老和尚叫不好,塔上了蠟,腳底一滑,湯燙了老和尚一把,老和尚拉了一袈裟,摔了大馬趴。哈哈哈,臘八白搭。

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Life Changing experience

A life changing experience 
  Last summer, right after I graduated from high school, I went to Kojen, a well-known English language school, with a view to enhancing my English speaking ability.
   At that time, I was totally overwhelmed by my hunger for learning English , not only because I learned the how interesting English could be during my high school years, but also I had dreamed of being a bag packer as soon as possible. These reasons gave me an acute motivation to strengthen my capability in English before I fulfill my dream. 

  Knowing clearly the intensive class they provided was exactly what I needed, I frantically paid more than 10,000 NT dollars which was nearly all I had. After a week’s course, I was not content with the arrangement of the teaching content, so they permitted me to join a higher- leveled class.   

  Because I made all the decisions myself, which seriously displeased my mom, I had a fight with her. She thought it’s wasteful and immature that I spent such a large amount of money without discussing with her. However, I didn’t feel any uncomfortable spending my own money. In short, I was a rebel against ‘the big government.’ 

  Honestly speaking, I was a little worried that if my choices ended up proved to be irrational, this story might be repeated with comtempt whenever she and I met a division. To my relief, things went quite well. As I expected, teachers were nice, classmates were brilliant, and the content was wonderful. Everything went right. What amazed me more was that the language school was about to launch a brand-new course, which seeked volunteers. Thus, I took extra free courses and practiced English more than 6 hours a day, so did some of the other classmates. 

  Immersing in English environment definitely changed my life. They let me know the view points and tastes of westerners in addition to language. When talking with them, I felt as though my dream had come true. At the thought of my correct decision, I couldn’t help but smile. 
   This was the first time I study with alacrity, and the first time I insisted on my opinion. Unbelievably, it turned out to be a great success! I felt fortunate that I stay ture to myself, or I wouldn't have such a great summer vacation.











。further reading:












6.  temasek review -sigapore noises.


國內部落格: 假圖天國 林保華 新加坡


Ocean pollution

Ocean pollution

   Speaking of pollutions, most people may think of air pollution and water pollution, which are highly relevant to our everyday lives. However, to the surprises of most of us, ocean pollution may be the most difficult one to solve of all.
  Unlike other pollutions, ocean pollution stems from numerous sources. Industrial and domestic sewage which flows into oceans, oil leaked from ships and oil drillers, and acid rain fall into the seas are just a few of the causes. Because of the diversity of the pollutants, including heavy metal, acid, base, organic substance and waste heat, the plight is more complicated and grave than other types of pollutions.
  Besides, the toxic chemicals in oceans will accumulate in bodies of marine life, which turns out to damage our own health when we eat those polluted fish. What is worse, once the pollutants are mixed into the oceans, it takes centuries to curb the toxicity to a safe standard. Thus, once we found factories that produce toxic sewage, we’d better realize that one day we will burden enormous costs.
  In addition, the pollution is without borders. When pollutions occur, there is little can we do to stop it from spreading. Therefore, ocean pollutions usually results to unpredictable harms to the planet. For example, a single leaked oil ship or off-shore driller may suffocate thousands of sea birds and several schools of marine habitats. In some devastating cases, the leaked oil easily spoiled hundreds of square kilometers of coral reefs. Moreover, if we go on ignoring the seriousness of ocean pollution, several vulnerable species will undoubtedly go extinction.
  Ocean pollution is destructive in biodiversity, environmental sustainability, and our way of lives. It is the business of everyone, and we are the solution.
How can we defend our oceans? We can reject the development of the industries which have the potentials to aggravate the catastrophe. We should insist the sustainable green energy be pursued instead of fossil fuel, and support adequate protective criteria be made. Besides, we should urge the official to supervise the waste and rubbish disposal. Meanwhile, we should try our best to solve other pollutions simultaneously, for they are closely co-related. Also, we should advocate the urgency of ocean protection.