Friday, June 5, 2020

美國的非法移民 illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants

The argument between the legal term of people who enter the United Stated unlawfully has be going on forever. I prefer to call it illegal immigrants as that is how we call it in any other country in the world except for the United States of America.

First let's all be real these immigrants comes in and stay in this country illegally. There are millions of people in the world that wants to immigrate to the US through the legal pathway. Although people should have empathy towards these Latin Americans fleeing their home country for a better life, aren't we all immigrants who arrived here legally ? If people can come and stay because they want a better life, then why doesn't California accept all Haitian refugees, Syrian refugees and Yemen refugees who suffers more than immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala ? Do you rob a bank because you need money ? We support humanitarian duty, but we  can't treat us tax payers like ATM. For anyone who supports illegal immigrants, please contact me, I will bring homeless people from Downtown LA to your house. They have the right to sleep in your bedroom. 

People who supports the undocumented immigrants usually use agriculture as an counter point. Farms across the country relies on illegal immigrants to produce cheap food we see in supermarket. Undoubtedly that is not possible without the hard-working illegal immigrants, so do all the other jobs that are done by legal residents. If the US decided these farm workers cannot be replaced by American citizens, then the US will provide working VISA for people around the world who wants to work in the US. Again, you can't just come in and take away other people's opportunities.

I know the liberals will be angry about my opinions for being a 'racist', but they should also be angry about Australia, New Zealand and many other countries that import foreign workers legally. At least foreign workers in those countries get protected minimum wages and insurance, and they don't have to worry about sexual or physical assault by their exploitative employers. As a liberal myself, shouldn't we all feel infuriated and disgusted about modern slavery happening under our noses ?

The other argument is the US took the land from Mexico. Mexican is just taking back what belongs to them. California was part of Mexico before the US Mexico war, but Mexico also steal lands from aboriginal tribes, and those tribes fought each other to claim territory. Did Mexico give their lands back to the indigenous tribes? Besides, these illegal immigrants are not genetically aboriginal people, most of them are offspring of European colonists and native Americans. Their ancestors are also invaders.