Wednesday, April 13, 2022

USC resources for preparing a job interview


Elevator Pitch

Dornsife career pathway


Effective Reseme

Thursday, February 10, 2022

中美貿易戰 回顧




總結一下為何中國未來經濟黯淡 , 科技封鎖,人口老化,房市泡沫,打壓勞工,人才斷層,共同富裕。


Thursday, August 5, 2021

A love poem

 Your smile is like sunshine

When I say hi, you look so bright

What magic you spell 

In my stomach you put a butterfly

I will be a bee because you smell like a flower

When spring comes I will call you honey

you sweet and sticky and I am hungry and slippery 

I will wiggle your pinky and you hold my dicky

we will watch the sunset till the night meets dawn

I will tell you my stories you tell me yours 

Till global warming create a snowstorm

When the light shines through the foliage like silver silk

The ring surrounds your finger my eternal oath. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021







Friday, June 5, 2020

美國的非法移民 illegal immigrants or undocumented immigrants

The argument between the legal term of people who enter the United Stated unlawfully has be going on forever. I prefer to call it illegal immigrants as that is how we call it in any other country in the world except for the United States of America.

First let's all be real these immigrants comes in and stay in this country illegally. There are millions of people in the world that wants to immigrate to the US through the legal pathway. Although people should have empathy towards these Latin Americans fleeing their home country for a better life, aren't we all immigrants who arrived here legally ? If people can come and stay because they want a better life, then why doesn't California accept all Haitian refugees, Syrian refugees and Yemen refugees who suffers more than immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala ? Do you rob a bank because you need money ? We support humanitarian duty, but we  can't treat us tax payers like ATM. For anyone who supports illegal immigrants, please contact me, I will bring homeless people from Downtown LA to your house. They have the right to sleep in your bedroom. 

People who supports the undocumented immigrants usually use agriculture as an counter point. Farms across the country relies on illegal immigrants to produce cheap food we see in supermarket. Undoubtedly that is not possible without the hard-working illegal immigrants, so do all the other jobs that are done by legal residents. If the US decided these farm workers cannot be replaced by American citizens, then the US will provide working VISA for people around the world who wants to work in the US. Again, you can't just come in and take away other people's opportunities.

I know the liberals will be angry about my opinions for being a 'racist', but they should also be angry about Australia, New Zealand and many other countries that import foreign workers legally. At least foreign workers in those countries get protected minimum wages and insurance, and they don't have to worry about sexual or physical assault by their exploitative employers. As a liberal myself, shouldn't we all feel infuriated and disgusted about modern slavery happening under our noses ?

The other argument is the US took the land from Mexico. Mexican is just taking back what belongs to them. California was part of Mexico before the US Mexico war, but Mexico also steal lands from aboriginal tribes, and those tribes fought each other to claim territory. Did Mexico give their lands back to the indigenous tribes? Besides, these illegal immigrants are not genetically aboriginal people, most of them are offspring of European colonists and native Americans. Their ancestors are also invaders.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


所以你覺得30秒趁反對黨不在突襲式通過表決是一種民主嗎?當初就是反服貿「黑箱」,而不是反服貿。最後撤退也是王金平同意「逐條審核」。為什麼對學生的抗議馬英九還是搞獨裁硬要以絕對執政強行通過與中國涉及國安的服貿呢?你知道當初開放服貿包含開放通訊市場,也就是今天中美貿易戰重點之一的華為間諜通訊設備可能就深入民間,另外對小本生意的衝擊有任何配套措施嗎?幸好當初台灣多數年輕人已經看穿中共窮台買台弱台的無限戰技倆,不像國民黨那時已經被藍金黃。看看當初國民黨在共產黨末許下拿來欺騙台灣人的九二共識一中各表,現在中共是不是決定不等了?直接否認九二共識,你能怎樣?你以為中共當初睜一隻眼閉一隻眼讓國民黨在台灣喊一中各表圖什麼?就是先把你實質的東西騙到手,再毀約。凡是去中國的台灣企業內部要有黨支部,中國員工在企業內部中國也不斷偷竊技術,偷到三星直接撤離中國。當初日本韓國不也和中國簽了等同ECFA的無關稅協定?今天這些企業在貿易戰前都認賠連工廠都不要直接撤出中國。我不是說服貿內容全是壞,但是與中國的貿易協定沒有任何違約時的約束力。就好像兔子跟老虎說今天你答應不准吃我,老虎答應了反悔你又能怎樣? 中國共產黨加上很大一部份受文革破壞的一代不像接受西方思想教育的我們對於作為合約前提的誠信已經是基本道德素養中的一部分。中國人把欺騙當智慧在貿易戰中顯現的淋漓盡致。在美國發展間諜,在美國企業偷技術,在中國強制技術轉讓,在中國限制台商匯出大陸額度,導致今天台商無法匯回資金。當初中國要你的時候說的多好聽,現在不要你了就把你剝三四五六層皮。 富士康想離開中國,可能嗎? 台灣所有企業想搬離資金,可能嗎?不懂當初陳水扁時期偷跑去大陸的台商今天除了幫大陸民眾加薪加到比台灣還高,拿台灣人的錢幫大陸發展經濟,今天還要怪陸委會不保護台商。當初跟你講有危險你硬要去,活該。香港當中共壯大到今天地位可被深圳上海取代, 一部分咎由自取。可憐的是無辜的學生,承擔一切苦果。 面對這樣道德敗壞的國家你敢跟他簽約?看看大馬高鐵天價舉債,斯里蘭卡被迫租借港口一百年,南海主權不接受國際法庭判決繼續造人工島,越南奈它何?中國發展帝國主義的流氓行徑也只有國民黨還會幫忙欺騙台灣人民。中共就是看準國民黨還有利用價值,才願意談服貿。韓國瑜還不是與大陸簽了農產貿易,然後呢?台灣農產品出了依賴中國政策進口,還會有國際競升力嗎? 我都還不想講國民黨在陳雲林來台時如何阻止台灣人民在台灣的土地上揮舞台灣中華民國國旗,但是允許五星旗插玉山,或是共產黨廟這種荒唐的事,在中國被矮化成台灣地區領導人在台灣說兩岸認同一中各表。馬英九在台灣搞愚民獨裁是什麼邏輯? 台灣老一輩的人真是有夠自私,自己享用完民主的好處,以及日本留下的建設的好處,現在說經濟不好不如統一。會什麼台灣越年輕越天然獨?還不是從老一輩身上各種遺留的中國人醜陋的習性中得出的結論。很多大陸人以為台灣證明中國也可以民主,錯。台灣可以民主正因去除了千年來中國人醜陋的惡習。台灣今天不夠民主也就是因為當初49年來台這些道德低落的外省人還沒完全死透。日本統治時代台灣根本夜不閉戶,中國人來了就各種歧視貪腐,跟今天共產黨沒兩樣。香港今天可以繁榮靠的也是英國人留下的法治。你說台灣人賤,認日本人為爹。當初雖然是二等公民,如同九七年前香港,但是今天中國試圖仿效的新加坡人民在專制政府下不也是二等公民?給外族壓迫或是給中國人壓迫,壓迫就是壓迫,別自我感覺良好。今天台灣人除了說中文寫漢字,思想價值更受日本美國影響。中國人今天不跟日本美國學習,一味反美反日又走回了義和團老路。搞了多年的改革開放不過是二次自強運動,船堅炮利。但是民權法治思想不彰。現在等的就是一場二次鴉片戰爭,打醒中國人的強國大夢。

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hong Kong Protest

Without universal suffrage, there is no human rights.
The police are just the dogs of the state machine!
Hong Kong fell and alarmed the world. When will CCP decide stop acting?
The regime that came out of gun barrel, on signboards wrote socialism with Chinese characteristics.
He hangs up a sheep's head at the shopfront but sells dog meat.
I see after all, the tyranny flows!
Deng said that he had touched the stone and crossed the river.
Yesterday, there was no stone so they clipped the leek.
Today, there was no leek and they clip Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is China's territory, the South China Sea is China's backyard.
Talked about imperialism, look no further !
The people lit the lights and the state officials set fire.
Said that students destroy order, but do not ask who is destroying one country, two systems?
Forbid speech, poison the people, allow pollution for GDP,
Let Mingze go to Harvard, wear Chanel, and breathe the air of freedom at Boston the United States !
The British Lin Zheng loves the great motherland,
and the Hong Kong policeman who beats Hong Kong students sends his child to study abroad.
You have passed Ximen Qing and passed Pan Jinlian.
You are immigrants or you are on the road to immigration.
You treasure your own children but no mercy to step on the other children.
The corpses piled up the gold house and the blood exchanged for the red carpet.
This year's Oscar best actor is still goes to China!
They solemnly appealed to the public to discuss it rationally.
The Hong Kong government condemned all violence, but the police don't count!

州官放火,百姓點燈 ,帝國主義,還看今朝!
英國人林鄭熱愛祖國, 打學生港警送子留學,
呼籲香港人必須理性, 港府譴責一切暴力, 港警開槍打人不算!
屍體推出黃金屋,鮮血換來紅地毯, 奧斯卡金像獎,得給中國!